Thrive Coaching for Year 11/12’s

This is my signature Coaching Program for Year 11/ 12 students. The challenges of these final years in high school can become overwhelming with the stress of study, exams and the requirement to make big decisions about post year 12. My role is to take the pressure off parents and be there to champion, mentor and coach your son and daughter to Thrive and find Direction in these landmark years.

Coaching packages are carefully tailored to meet individual students’ needs and include key areas such as:

Mindset skills

Study Success’ techniques


Becoming ‘Super-Employable’

A Personalised ‘Thrive’ strategy

Exclusive access to Leading Career Profiling Tool

Starts at $140 AUD for a 50-minute Zoom Coaching Appointment

(Tailored Packages on request)


 Thrive Coaching for Young Adults


Taking the guesswork out of ‘What’s next for me?’ Want to know ‘how’ to find your pathway where you are most likely to thrive? You’ll find the clarity and direction you seek right here!

Starts at $14o AUD inc GST

Packages available


Interviews can be a daunting experience for most people. But, you can become confident and free of nerves when you have the skills and the know-how to be ‘the one’ selected for your dream internship or job!

Starts at $140 AUD inc GST

Packages available